The Pillars of Men's Spirituality

Every Man has 3 key basic questions in life: “What do I do now?” “Who am I?”; and “Where am I going?” These open up the core of a man’s Mission, Identity, and Journey. While many assert authentic manliness is scarce today, for most, a man’s character remains undefined. In this set Dr. Chavez explains 18 of the “Pillars of Manliness.” When anchored in them, he claims a man makes better progress in life, work, faith, and in all his relationships. In this set you will learn about: 

  • The natural Mission of a man as Leader, Protector & Provider
  • His supernatural summons to be a Priest, Prophet & King
  • How a man can live fully his core identity as a Beloved Son
  • Why he must be loved as a son & brother before loving a woman
  • How a man’s character can be summed up as a Lion & a Lamb
  • Steps a man must take in his Journey to reach fulfillment
  • Why he will only be happy when he lives for God’s Glory

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